How To Choose The Right Home Inspection Service For You

Posted on: 12 June 2020

You most likely know that it's a good idea to hire a home inspector to check out any home you are thinking of buying. Some buyers will hire the inspector once they find a home and put in an offer, but that's not necessarily the best idea. In fact, it's a good idea to hire a home inspection service before you make any offers and have them check out the houses that you are most interested in.
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Rules You Can Expect When Moving Into A Student Apartment

Posted on: 10 June 2020

Student apartments are a nice alternative to rooms in a dorm. These apartments give you more privacy, a more complete living space, and a place to live off-campus. Nevertheless, student apartment rentals can come along with certain rules.  Expect there to be rules about overnight guests.  Of course, there will be times when you may want a friend or relative to stay overnight with you at your apartment. However, there may be stipulations in the lease about how long an overnight guest can stay at the apartment.
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4 Tips to Help You Enjoy Quiet Living When Buying a Condo

Posted on: 10 June 2020

Choosing to buy a condo over a single-family home means that you will be a lot closer to your neighbors. If one of the things that you are most interested in is enjoying quiet living, you will need to pay close attention to important details with each condo before considering an offer. 1. Community Location Where a condo is located within the community can play a huge role in how much noise you will hear from inside the unit on a regular basis.
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Buying A Home On A Golf Course - What You Need To Know

Posted on: 9 June 2020

Living in a golf course home is a dream come true for anyone that has picked up a driver. there are, however, a few points you should be aware of before you sign on the dotted line.  There are stray balls. Every golfer hates to walk up to the tee and totally shank the ball. It can throw off an entire game. It can also shatter windows, dent the hood of a car, or even hit an innocent bystander, like a homeowner trying to enjoy his or her deck on a summer morning.
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